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Our older toddler room provides care for children aged 2 to 3 years old.

How We Teach

In our older toddler classroom, we use hands-on activities to encourage your child to use their senses to explore, discover, and learn. Active learning is the foundation of our classroom, which encourages children to gain knowledge through natural play and movement. We provide a variety of learning experiences each day, such as group activities, art, motor play, and dramatic play.

Developmental Areas

Our older toddler classroom is equipped with books, print-rich materials, and puppets to encourage your child to explore the world of literature. Our teachers work hard to help your toddler learn to communicate and express themselves as their vocabulary expands.

We incorporate puzzles, songs, and imaginary play into your toddler’s daily routine to promote cognitive flexibility and challenge their growing mind. We work together with your child to provide them with many opportunities to work on problem solving and self regulation skills that they will use for a lifetime.

Our older toddler classroom provides your child with the opportunity to have positive interactions with their teachers and peers while they learn about using manners, following instructions, and taking turns. Our teachers will encourage your child to explore and try new things to foster a sense of confidence and positive self-esteem at a young age. Although all adults in the classroom will interact and care for your child, your child will have a primary caregiver assigned to him/her that is responsible for most of his/her care and interactions.

At this busy age, we believe it is important that lots of movement is incorporated into your older toddler’s day. Our classroom provides a safe and fun environment for your child to explore as they improve their skills. We emphasize the importance of health and wellness in our daily routine and are fortunate to have access to the KIC facility to give your older toddler the freedom to run, dance, and play even when the weather isn’t cooperating. 

Your toddler will be introduced to letters, numbers, shapes, and colors during our daily large group interaction. Our teachers use this brief structured time to play group games, sing songs, and read stories to feed your child’s curious mind.

Our classroom is stocked with crayons, paint, stamps, play-dough, and more for your child to discover their artistic skills. Your toddler will expand their imagination in our dramatic play area by creating and participating in pretend play.

We understand that potty training can be a difficult time for your toddler, as it is such a big change from what they are used to. During the transition from diapers to toilet training, it is important that parents and teachers work together to keep the routine as consistent as possible. We are committed to making potty training a fun experience that your  toddler can be proud of as they gain this newfound independence. When your child is ready, our teachers look forward to working collaboratively with you to achieve our potty training goals! 


KidFit Daycare utilizes the Creative Curriculum in each classroom.   Creative Curriculum includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives for children within four main categories of interest: social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language. The social/emotional stage helps promote independence, self-confidence and self-control.  Well-prepared teachers support and extend each child’s learning based on their developmental levels, so children enter school ready and eager to learn.

Providing high-quality, safe, and developmentally appropriate care for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years.

KidFit Daycare strives to provide children with an encouraging educational experience promoting social, emotional, and cognitive development with an emphasis on physical health and wellness.

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